Display: 1-25 of 83 Results

Herbert Marcuse Denounces the Vietnam War (May 22, 1966)

The “Sit-In” as a Means for Reforming the University (June 22, 1966)

Frankfurt Students Protest Exorbitant Rents (December 1988)

Rudi Dutschke Demands the Expropriation of the Springer Press Empire (July 10, 1967)

Social Democratic Student Association Flyer on the Death of Benno Ohnesorg (June 3, 1967)

Rudi Dutschke at the International Vietnam Congress (February 17, 1968)

Blockade of the Springer Publishing House in Hamburg (1968)

Fourteen Intellectuals Condemn the Dutschke Assassination Attempt (April 19, 1969)

The Anti-Nuclear “Free Republic of Wendland” (May 30, 1980)

Civic Movements between Peaceful Protest and Outbreaks of Violence (August 5, 1977)

Origins, Motives, and Structures of Citizens’ Initiatives (October 27, 1973)

Environmentalists Protest the Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant in Wyhl (1975)

The Federal Border Guard and Police Tear Down the “Free Republic of Wendland” (June 4, 1980)

Police Protecting the Construction Site of a Nuclear Power Plant (1977)

Squatters Occupy a Berlin Apartment Building (1981)

Interview with an East German Environmental Initiative in Schwerin (1980)

House Occupied by Squatters (1980)

Bitter News from Bitterfeld (Retrospective Account, 1995)

Poem about the Chernobyl Catastrophe (May 23, 1986)

Abortion and Women’s Solidarity (1971)

“Set up Abortion Clinics Here” (July 1, 1975)

“Homolulu – Dance on the Volcano” in Frankfurt am Main (1979)

The Krefeld Appeal (November 1980)

Heinrich Böll at the Peace Demonstration in Bonn (October 10, 1981)

Solidarity Meeting (July 22, 1982)