Display: 26-50 of 55 Results

Principles and Aims of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (April 21, 1946)

From the Resolution of the First Party Conference of the SED (January 28, 1949)

Politburo Decision on the Work of the Ministry for State Security (March 18, 1952)

The Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED on the Junge Gemeinde [Young Congregation] (January 27, 1953)

Directive on Republikflucht (March 18, 1953)

Resolution of the Second Party Congress of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany on the Women’s Question (September 24, 1947)

Letter from Karl Lewke to the Central Committee of the SED (December 2, 1945)

The Problems of the Young Generation from the Perspective of an SED Functionary (September 1946)

Wilhelm Pieck, “To the Returnees” (1946)

Guidelines for School Policy for the German Democratic School (August 24, 1949)

The Immediate Tasks of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education: Resolution by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party (February 1951)

Resolution by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, adopted at the Fifth Session (March 15-17, 1951)

Walter Ulbricht: The Second Five-Year Plan and the Building Up of Socialism in the German Democratic Republic (1956)

Report by the SED Factory Party Organization at the VEB Bergmann-Borsig (1955)

Erich Honecker Defends the Achievements of Socialism on the 40th Anniversary of the GDR (October 6, 1989)

Excerpt from the Currency Reform Resolution Passed by the Central Committee of the SED (June 22, 1948)

From the Resolution of the 13th Meeting of the Central Committee of the SED (May 14, 1953)

From a Statement by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED (June 16, 1953)

From a Communiqué by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED (June 9, 1953)

From a Resolution Passed by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party: The “New Course” and the Party’s Objectives (July 26, 1953)

“The Failed Adventures of Foreign Agents in Berlin” (June 18, 1953)

The Politburo of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany: Report by the Commission on Questions Concerning Republikflucht (June 25, 1956)

Republikflucht by Young People, Young Returnees, and New Arrivals in the Period from January to September 1960 (November 10, 1960)

The Politburo of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany: Further Measures in the Fight against Republikflucht (December 15, 1953)

Comments on the Resettler Problem: The Organization Department of the Central Secretariat of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (February 24, 1949)