
Dr. Carl Peters (1856–1918) founded the Society for German Colonialization [Gesellschaft für deutsche Kolonialisation] in March 1884. He “acquired” the territory of German East Africa in 1885 by means of a Royal Patent of Patronage.  The conduct of his German East Africa Company [Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft] sparked a rebellion among the indigenous population starting in August 1888. In the 1890s, he became an active member of Pan-German League [Alldeutscher Verband] but caused a scandal when his murderous conduct in Africa was uncovered.

Carl Peters (c. 1900)


Source: Portrait of Dr. Carl Peters with rifle and pistol. Photograph (c. 1900). Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-R30019 / Scherl Bilderdienst. Wikimedia Commons.