Display: 1-18 of 18 Results

A Cobbler in Potsdam (1946)

Order Regarding Measures to Increase Labor Productivity and to Further Improve the Material Situation of the Workers and Salaried Employees in Industry and the Transportation Sector (1947)

Gainfully Employed Persons and Labor Force Participation Rate (1949–1970)

“On Saturdays, Dad’s mine” – Poster by the Confederation of German Trade Unions Advocating the Introduction of the Five-Day Work Week (1956)

Rebuilding the Economy in the American and British Occupation Zones (1948)

“Activist” Adolf Hennecke (1948)

Preparation of Matzah for Passover (c. 1947)

Otto A. Friedrich, “The Social Imperative” (1958)

Works Constitution Act (October 11, 1952)

Co-Determination Law [Mitbestimmungsgesetz] (May 21, 1951)

The Hattenheim Talks (January 1950)

The Right of Co-determination and the Right to Strike: Letter from Konrad Adenauer to Hans Böckler, Chairman of the Confederation of German Trade Unions, and Böckler’s Response (1950)

Walter Pahl, Summary of Key Aspects of the Law Governing Co-determination in the Coal and Steel Industry (1951)

Reconditioning Plant in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel for Bricks Salvaged from the Ruins (1950)

From the Resolution of the 13th Meeting of the Central Committee of the SED (May 14, 1953)

Socialist Competition: Output in a Briquette Factory (1954)

Occupational Breakdown of Refugee Movement in Percentages (1952–1961)

Structural Change in the Workforce (1950–1970)