Display: 26-38 of 38 Results

Preparing for a Victory Parade (c. June 1945)

Stuttgart Speech (“Speech of Hope”) by James F. Byrnes, United States Secretary of State (September 6, 1946)

Potsdam Conference (July 17-August 2, 1945)

Berlin Airlift: Children Hope for Chocolates (July 1948)

A Look Back at the Berlin Blockade and Airlift (1961)

The Headquarters of the American Forces in Germany in the Former I.G. Farben Building in Frankfurt am Main (1949)

Excerpt from Ludwig Vaubel’s Account of His Experiences in the United States (1952)

Letter from Eisenhower to Adenauer on the Outcome of the Washington Conference (July 25, 1953)

Statement by the Foreign Ministers of the Western Powers on the Berlin Conference (February 20, 1954)

Elvis Presley Arrives in Bremerhaven as a GI (October 1, 1958)

“Bill Haley and NATO” (October 31, 1958)

“A Rhapsody in Blue Jeans” (1959)

American Music Finds Resonance (1959)