This photograph shows an East Berlin archway that has been placarded
with posters for the upcoming
Volkskammer elections on March 18,
1990. One poster is for the SPD, another is for the PDS, and two are for
Alliance 90 [Bündnis 90] , one of
which (on the left) reads “Wer bei Honecker BLOCKflöte gelernt hat, kann
in keiner DEMOKRATIE die erste Geige spielen!“ [“Anyone who studied
recorder (Blockflöte) with Honecker
can't play first violin in any democracy.”] The slogan, which loses much
in translation, is a wordplay alluding to the past of the former block
parties CDU and LDPD, both of which had subordinated themselves to SED
ideology in the Volkskammer. The
Alliance 90 poster on the right reads “Art. 23. Kein Anschluss unter
dieser Nummer“ [“Article 23. No connection under this number”]. This is
another essentially untranslatable wordplay: among other meanings, the
German word “Anschluss” can mean both telephone connection and
accession. This slogan protested the prospect of the GDR’s accession to
the Federal Republic under Article 23 of the Basic Law. Instead,
Alliance 90 demanded a new constitution and thus a united German state
built on an entirely new foundation under Article 146 of the Basic Law.
In the end, however, the parties that supported accession under Article
23 won the majority of votes, so the
Volkskammer elections actually
facilitated accession.