
In the first half of 2007, Germany assumed the Council Presidency of the European Union. Germany’s foremost goal for its presidency was to find a way out of the constitutional crisis facing Europe after the draft version of the European constitution was rejected in referendums in France and the Netherlands in 2005. During the German presidency, agreement was indeed reached on how to proceed in this matter: the term “constitution” was dropped together with quasi-state symbols, and the content of the constitutional treaty was to be incorporated into a reform agreement (the subsequent Treaty of Lisbon). Note: the message behind Chancellor Angela Merkel reads: “Europe in Transition – Challenges for the German EU Council Presidency.” 

Chancellor Angela Merkel during a Speech on Germany’s Upcoming Presidency of the European Union (December 13, 2006)

  • Sandra Steins


Source: Bundesregierung, B 145 Bild-00121490 Photo: Steins, Sandra.

Chancellor Angela Merkel during a Speech on Germany’s Upcoming Presidency of the European Union (December 13, 2006), published in: German History in Documents and Images, <https://germanhistorydocs.org/en/a-new-germany-1990-2023/ghdi:image-3671> [March 27, 2025].