
Here we see a facsimile of the first page of the Reichstag law of April 16, 1871, which proclaimed a new constitution for the German Empire. The page is from the Bundes-Gesetzblatt des Deutschen Bundes (Berlin), no. 16 (April 20, 1871).

The Constitution of the German Empire (April 16, 1871)


Source: Bundes-Gesetzblatt des Deutschen Bundes (Berlin), no. 16, April 20, 1871. Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Deutsches_Reichsgesetzblatt_1871_016_063.jpg

Elmar M. Hucko, The Democratic Tradition: Four German Constitutions. Leamington Spa, NY: Berg, 1987.

The Constitution of the German Empire (April 16, 1871), published in: German History in Documents and Images, <https://germanhistorydocs.org/en/forging-an-empire-bismarckian-germany-1866-1890/ghdi:image-1407> [February 12, 2025].