The Karl Liebknecht House was the headquarters of the German
Communist Party [Kommunistische Partei
Deutschlands or KPD] from 1926 to 1933. (Liebknecht, one the
cofounders of the KPD, had been murdered by members of the Free Corps
back on January 15, 1919.) This photograph shows SA and SS men parading
in front of the Liebknecht House on January 22, 1933, shortly before
Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor. This NSDAP-organized parade was
intended as a clear demonstration of power vis-à-vis its political
opponents. A month later, the Nazis searched the KPD headquarters,
occupied the house, and renamed it after the murdered Nazi activist
Horst Wessel. The KPD was outlawed shortly thereafter, and its members
were persecuted, arrested, and sent to concentration camps.