Display: 1-16 of 16 Results

Erich Honecker on the “Unity of Economic and Social Policy” (June 15–19, 1971)

The GDR’s Failure to “Overtake without Catching Up” (July 30, 1970)

A Sociological Analysis of the Spread of Affluence (1974)

Changes in West German Leisure Habits (1983)

Motorization in the FRG and the GDR (1960–1990)

Statistical Report on the Development of the Standard of Living in the German Democratic Republic and in the Federal Republic of Germany (1956)

Ludwig Erhard, Prosperity for All (1957)

Hans Katzer on the Acquisition of Property among Workers: “The Promise Must be Kept…” (1959)

Communiqué on the Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the German Democratic Republic (June 11, 1953)

From a Communiqué by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED (June 9, 1953)

What Tenants Want: Modern Apartments and Well-Designed Furniture (1956)

“Bachelor Paradise” (1959)

Indices of Cost of Living and of Workers’ Wages (1913/14-1943)

Child Poverty in Germany (January 3, 2018)

German Vacation Habits (April 1, 2004)

Friedrich Cotta, “On the Good Life the People of the Rhine and the Mosel Can Now Have” (November 30, 1792)