Display: 1-21 of 21 Results

The Six Articles (June 28, 1832) and the Ten Articles (July 5, 1832)

Carlsbad Decrees: Federal Press Law (September 20, 1819)

Excerpt from Prince Clemens von Metternich’s Political Creed (1820)

Prince Clemens von Metternich to Friedrich Gentz (June 17, 1819)

Ludolf Wienbarg, Aesthetic Campaigns. Dedicated to Young Germany (1834)

Cultural Repression by the SED Central Committee (December 16, 1965)

The Debate about Film Censorship: Die Sünderin (1951)

Die Sünderin Causes Moral Outrage (1951)

Decree on “Extraordinary Radio Measures” (September 1939)

SS Report on a Catholic Sermon (December 30, 1936)

The Book Burning: Report by Louis P. Lochner, Head of the Berlin Bureau of the Associated Press (May 10, 1933)

Guide to the “Degenerate Art” Exhibition (1937)

Lion Feuchtwanger, “Thou Shalt Dwell in Houses Thou Hast Not Builded” (March 20, 1935)

Extracts from the Manual of the Reich Chamber of Culture (1937)

Letter from the Rudolf Mosse Publishing House to a Former Subscriber to the Berliner Tageblatt (May 12, 1933)

Heinrich Himmler, Decree on Youth Gangs (October 25, 1944)

Letter by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner to the Prussian Academy of Art (July 12, 1937)

Joseph Goebbels: Two Speeches on the Tasks of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (March 15 and 25, 1933)

Wartime Regulation of Language (1942)

“Guidelines for Administering Censorship and for the Conduct of Censors” (1810)

Edict on Religion by Johann Christoph von Wöllner, Prussian Minister of Justice and Head of Religious Affairs (July 9, 1788)