Display: 26-50 of 132 Results

Chancellor Konrad Adenauer on the Federal Republic’s Attitude towards the Jews (September 27, 1951)

Communiqué Regarding Restitution for Israel and the Jews (September 10, 1952)

The Position of the Marriage Law Commission of the Protestant Church in Germany on the Draft Version of a Family Law (December 1952)

The Position of the German Association of Women Academics on a Draft Version of the Equal Rights Law (August 1952)

The Chairman of the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Fulda, Cardinal Joseph Frings, on the Reorganization of the Marriage and Family Law (January 30, 1953)

Federal Minister Franz-Josef Wuermeling on the Task of Family Policy (1958)

Law on the Equality of Men and Women in the Area of Civil Law (June 18, 1957)

Marie-Elisabeth Lüders (FDP) on the Petition by the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Fulda (February 1953)

The Art of Maintaining a Household: All Purchases are Carefully Recorded (1950)

A Skeptical Glance at a Female Plumber’s Apprentice (1952)

From a Lecture by Oberstudiendirektor Kurt Hahn at a Sex Education Workshop for Young People at Jugendburg Bilstein/Sauerland (September 14, 1950)

A Double Hand Amputee War Veteran Lights Advent Candles (December 1949)

Crowning the German “Leg Queen” (1951)

“The Last Soldiers of the Great War”: Article from Die Zeit (October 13, 1955)

Emil Schäfer on the Person and Tasks of the Federal Minister of Family Affairs (1953)

POWs Returning from the Soviet Union Following Adenauer’s Visit to Moscow (October 1, 1955)

Prospective Housewives in a Cooking Class at the Hamburg Electrical Works (1951)

Baby Stroller Get-Together at a Playground in Frankfurt am Main (1954)

A Woman Discovers Her Son among Returning POWs at the Friedland Transfer Camp (October 1, 1955)

POWs from Soviet Camps Arrive at the Friedland Transfer Camp (October 1, 1955)

Franz-Josef Wuermeling, Federal Minister of Family Affairs (September 1954)

The Academic Success of Mixed-race Children. Study by the Institute for Anthropology in the Sciences and Humanities (1956)

The Illegitimate Children of Members of the Occupying Forces in the Federal Republic and in West Berlin (1956)

“On Saturdays, Dad’s mine” – Poster by the Confederation of German Trade Unions Advocating the Introduction of the Five-Day Work Week (1956)

Advertisement for Lux Cigarettes from Quick Magazine (1956)