Display: 1-14 of 14 Results

The Merger of the Eastern SPD and the KPD: “Unity” (1946)

Political Principles of the Social Democratic Party (May 1946)

SPD Campaign Rally with Kurt Schumacher (at the Microphone) on Königsplatz in Munich (November 25, 1946)

Kurt Schumacher Opens the SPD’s Federal Election Campaign in Gelsenkirchen by Rejecting Ludwig Erhard’s Free Market Economics (June 19, 1949)

German Social Democratic Party (SPD): Call to Rebuild the Party Organization (June 15, 1945)

Joint Appeal by the KPD and the SPD for Democratic School Reform (October 18, 1945)

The Social Democratic Party’s Housing Construction Program for the Western Occupation Zones (May/June, 1949)

Kurt Schumacher’s Message to Voters before the First Postwar Elections in West Germany (August 12, 1949)

SPD Party Chairman Kurt Schumacher (October 8, 1950)

SPD Politician Herbert Wehner (October 1954)

Godesberg Program of the SPD (November 1959)

SPD Chairman and Chancellor Candidate Erich Ollenhauer Campaigns in the Ruhr Valley (August/September 1957)

Jeanette Wolff: Restitution for Nazi Victims (1955)

Erich Ollenhauer Demands a More Equitable Education System (1956)