
The National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) was an extreme right-wing party that was represented in the Federal Republic in some state parliaments during the period of the Grand Coalition (1966–1969). This NPD election campaign poster from 1969 depicts the chair of the NPD, Adolf von Thadden. The poster featured in this photo was covered over by flyers printed by party opponents: “One Adolf was enough.” Due to spirited opposition and vigorous campaigning by the democratic parties, the NPD failed to reach the 5% threshold required to secure a seat in the Bundestag in the 1969 federal election.

NPD Election Poster (1969)


Source: NPD election poster for the 1969 Bundestag elections. The poster shows party leader Adolf von Thadden (with commentary by a political opponent). Date: September 11, 1969. Photo: Detlef Gräfingholt. Press and Information Office of the Federal Government. Bundesarchiv (B 145 Bild-00018966).

Bundesarchiv/Detlef Gräfingholt