Source: Das Ende vom Mythos der „sauberen Wehrmacht“ - Hannes Heer
über die erste Wehrmachtsausstellung. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Saar,
December 26,
The traveling exhibition “Vernichtungskrieg. Crimes of the Wehrmacht
from 1941-1944”, organized by the Hamburg Institute for Social Research,
opened in Hamburg in 1995. Between April 1995 and October 1997, the
exhibition was shown in 33 German and Austrian cities and aroused great
interest among both the public and the media, but this soon turned into
polemics and polarization. There were fierce protests against the
exhibition, particularly in Munich, and in 1999 a bomb attack was
carried out against the exhibition in Saarbrücken. The central aim of
the exhibition was to expose the common narrative of the “clean
Wehrmacht” as untrue and instead to document the extent to which
Wehrmacht soldiers were involved in the murder of the Russian civilian
population and Soviet prisoners of war. Historical photos in particular
served as evidence. It soon became clear that even in the late 1990s,
there was still no social consensus on how extensively the Nazi past
should be dealt with. The debate became more complicated after
historians proved that some of the photos had been misattributed or
mislabeled. The revised exhibition entitled “Crimes of the Wehrmacht.
Dimensions of the War of Extermination 1941-1944” opened in Berlin in
2001. It was subsequently shown in various cities in Germany, Austria
and Luxembourg and is now part of the collection of the German
Historical Museum (DHM) in Berlin.
In this retrospective account
from 2015, historian Hannes Heer, who was responsible for the first
exhibition, describes the reactions to the exhibition.
Source: Das Ende vom Mythos der „sauberen Wehrmacht“ - Hannes Heer
über die erste Wehrmachtsausstellung. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Saar,
December 26,
Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung: Verbrechen der Wehrmacht. Dimensionen des Vernichtungskrieges 1941 – 1944. Ausstellungskatalog, Hamburg 2002.
Deutscher Bundestag, Stenographischer Bericht, 163. Sitzung (Wehrmachtsausstellung), Bonn, Donnerstag, den 13. März 1997.