Source: Deutschlandfunk Debate, 2017
Karl Wilhelm Fricke was head of the East-West department at Deutschlandfunk and deputy editor-in-chief for many years. He was abducted to East Berlin in 1955, where he was interrogated by the State Security for months and finally sentenced to four years in prison. After his release, he continued his work in the West from the 1960s onwards. After reunification, Fricke worked as an expert for two Bundestag commissions of inquiry, one dealing with the history and consequences of the SED dictatorship in Germany (1992-1994) and the other with overcoming the consequences of the SED dictatorship in the process of German unification (1995-1998). In this 2017 interview with Deutschlandfunk radio, he describes the work of the first Enquête Commission and emphasizes that its task was to come to terms with history, but not to impose criminal sanctions.
Source: Deutschlandfunk Debate, 2017