
The new cosmopolitan attitude of the Germans is reflected in their eating habits among other things. Mediterranean specialties, such as those being offered up for sale at this stand at Munich’s Viktualienmarkt, have been popular among German epicures for a long time. The Viktualienmarkt (literally victuals’ market) has existed on the very same spot since 1807. Originally a farmers’ market, it has developed over the years into a popular shopping destination for gourmets. The quantity, variety, and exclusivity of its offerings give this market a very particular “flavor.” The Viktualienmarkt occupies approximately 22,000 square meters of space; more than 140 stands and businesses sell flowers and plants, fruit, vegetables, tropical fruit, game and poultry, eggs, butter, honey, fish, meat products, and sausages.

Munich's Viktualienmarkt (March 22, 2003)

  • Jens Wolf


Source: picture-alliance / dpa (c) ZB – Special