
Franz Schönhuber (1923-2005) (right) and Horst Mahler (left) introduce their book Schluss mit deutschem Selbsthass [No More German Self-Hatred] at a press conference organized by the National Democratic Party of Germany [Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschland or NDP] in Berlin on September 7, 2000. A former member of the Waffen-SS, Schönhuber worked as a journalist after the war but was eventually fired because of his radical views. He founded the extreme right-wing party “Die Republikaner,” which he represented in the European Parliament. In 1995, he left the party on account of various disputes, but he remained popular within the extreme rightwing scene. Horst Mahler, a lawyer, had worked for the extra-parliamentary opposition [außerparlamentarische Opposition or APO] during the 1960s. Convicted of being an accomplice in Red Army Faction [Rote Armee Fraktion or RAF] crimes, Mahler dissociated himself from his terrorist past during his imprisonment and was given early release in 1980. In 1988, Mahler began working again as a lawyer in Berlin. Since 1998, he has espoused nationalistic and extreme rightwing positions both in his writings and in public appearances. In 2003, Mahler, himself an NPD member since 2000, defended the NPD in legal proceedings that sought to outlaw the party. He left the party thereafter, however. In 2004, he called for the outlawing of all Jewish communities in Germany and for the expulsion of all asylum seekers. As a result, he was sentenced to 9 months in prison for demagoguery. Once again, his law license was revoked.

NPD Press Conference: “No More German Self-Hatred” (September 7, 2000)

  • Nestor Bachmann


Source: picture-alliance / ZB (c) ZB – Fotoreport