
Religious conservatives opposed the new practice of cremation, but this depiction of a crematorium designed by the Siemens firm suggests that traditional religious ritual was not incompatible with the introduction of a new technology—particularly one endorsed by a professor. That the ultimate fate of the corpse is completely hidden from view was also a balm to bourgeois sensibilities. Entitled “Der Siemen’sche Ofen für Leichenverbrennung, empfohlen von Prof. Reclam” [“The Siemens Oven for Cremation, recommended by Prof. Reclam”], this woodcut is based on a drawing by W. Reiche.

A Crematorium (c. 1875)

  • W.Reiche


Source: “Der Siemen’sche Ofen für Leichenverbrennung, empfohlen von Prof. Reclam” [“The Siemens Oven for Cremation, recommended by Prof. Reclam”]. Woodcut based on a drawing by W. Reiche (c. 1875).
bpk-Bildagentur, image number 20027894. For rights inquiries, please contact Art Resource at requests@artres.com (North America) or bpk-Bildagentur at kontakt@bpk-bildagentur.de (for all other countries).

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