Display: 1-25 of 52 Results

The Passion Play in Oberammergau (1860)

Excerpts from H. E. G. Paulus’s Pamphlet on the Emancipation of the Jews in Baden (1831)

The Conservatives: Friedrich Julius Stahl, “What is the Revolution?” (1852)

Evening Prayer (1823)

Ludwig von Rohden, Excerpts from History of the Rhenish Missionary Society (1857)

Daniel Schenkel, Excerpts from The German Protestant Association (1868)

Jakob Marx on the Exhibition of the Holy Robe in Trier (1844)

Mockery of Ultramontanism and Obscurantism in the Roman Catholic Church (c. 1847)

The Holy Robe of Trier (1844)

August Tholuck (undated)

Cologne Cathedral (1869)

Open Air Mass in Munich (1958)

Decline in Religious Observance among Catholics and Protestants (1960–1989)

Koran Lessons in the Basement of a Mosque (1981)

Johann Christian Wallmann, Sorrows and Joys of Rhenish Missionaries (1856)

A Crematorium (c. 1875)

Nehru and Jinnah (August 21, 1947)

A Free India (August 14, 1947)

Article on the Partition of India (October 4, 1947)

The Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED on the Junge Gemeinde [Young Congregation] (January 27, 1953)

German Bishops at Fulda – Pastoral Letter by the Conference of Catholic Bishops (August 23, 1945)

Statement by the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany to the Representatives of the Ecumenical Council of Churches (October 19, 1945)

The Bishop of the Protestant Church in Thuringia, Moritz Mitzenheim, on the Draft Bill about the Termination of Pregnancy (November 24, 1947)

Debate of the Bill by Deputy August Schwingenstein (CSU) and Others in the Bavarian Landtag [State Parliament] Concerning the Protection of Youth against Immoral Influences (1948)

“Being a Christian in a Time of Need”: 72nd German Catholic Congress in Mainz (September 1-5, 1948)