Display: 1-25 of 32 Results

Self-Characterization of Members of a Berlin Commune (October 7, 1968)

Family, Child-Rearing, and the Role of Women (December 3, 1961)

The Family in the Context of Women’s Equality (December 20, 1965)

Reforming the Marriage and Family Code (July 9, 1971)

Social Policy and Women (1989)

Excerpts from the Staats-Lexikon: “Family, Family Law” (1845–48)

Conservative Criticism of Women’s Activism (1852)

A Conservative Folklorist on Social Class and Gender Roles (1852)

Package from the West [Westpaket] (March 22, 1970)

The Growing Influx of Guest-Worker Children (November 8, 1974)

The Plight of Turkish Women in a Foreign Land (May 1, 1980)

Guest Workers’ Stories (Retrospective Account, 2013)

Anna Maria Schano (née Klinger), Barbara Klinger, and Franz Schano, Letters from the United States (1850–53)

Wilhelmina Krumme (née Stille) and Wilhelm Krumme: Letters from America (1837–1842)

The Economic State of Families, Examples from Berlin (1946/47)

From the City of Aachen’s Social Report on Family Housing (1947)

The Position of the German Association of Women Academics on a Draft Version of the Equal Rights Law (August 1952)

Federal Minister Franz-Josef Wuermeling on the Task of Family Policy (1958)

Law on the Equality of Men and Women in the Area of Civil Law (June 18, 1957)

“The Family – The Core of the Rebirth of Germany,” Article by School Councilor G. Wolff, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Germany (August 30, 1946)

Excerpt from the Constitution of the State of Baden (May 18, 1947)

Request for Permission to Move In (1948)

Press Statement by Maria Weber, Main Department “Women in the DGB,” on the Working Woman and the Social Situation of the Family (August 30, 1960)

Postcards from the Children’s Transport (1938-1939)

Women Protest against the Deportation of their Jewish Husbands (March 1943)