Display: 1-21 of 21 Results

Count Johann Anton Pergen’s Memorandum to Austrian Co-Regent Joseph II “On the Value of the Imperial Crown” (1766)

Maria Theresa’s Political Testament (1749-50)

Wenzel Anton Kaunitz-Rietberg, “Most Graciously Commissioned Report on the Improvement of the Domestic System” for Maria Theresa (April 14, 1773)

Archduke Joseph II, “Political Daydreams” [Rêveries politiques] (1763)

Joseph von Sonnenfels, Principles of Public Order, Trade, and Finances (1786–87)

Emperor Joseph II’s Instructions to All His Government Officials on the Principles of Fulfilling Their Duty (December 13. 1783)

Empress Maria Theresa Appraises the Character of Joseph II, her Son and Co-Regent (September 14, 1776)

Leopold II’s Profession of Political Principles (1790)

“Police Minister” Johann Anton von Pergen Briefs Emperor Leopold II on “the Most Important Activities of the Secret Police” (March 2, 1790)

Emperor Franz II’s Confidential Instructions to his Officials in Austria and Bohemia on “Preventive Measures for the Maintenance of Peace and Order among the Citizenry” (February 9, 1793)

The Turkish Defeat at Vienna (September 12, 1683)

Ottoman Sultan Mahmud IV’s Declaration of War on Emperor Leopold I, signed at Adrianople [Edirne] (February 20, 1683)

Count Kaunitz’s Views on Austrian Foreign Policy (March 24, 1749)

Evaluation of the Armed Forces of the Holy Roman Empire after their Defeat under Austrian Command at the Battle of Roßbach (November 24, 1757)

Emperor Joseph II’s Penal Patent [Strafpatent] governing Manorial Courts in the Countryside (September 1, 1781)

Philipp Wilhelm von Hörnigk, “Austria Supreme, If It so Wishes” (1684)

Emperor Joseph II’s Patent on Serfdom [Leibeigenschaft] (November 1, 1781)

Emperor Joseph II’s “Buying-In” Patent (November 1, 1781)

The Expulsion of the Jews from Prague by Maria Theresa (1744)

Exchange of Letters between Empress Maria Theresa and her Son, Joseph II, on the Subject of Religious Toleration (1777)

Joseph II, Letter to Austrian Chancellor and Bohemian Governor Heinrich Cajetan Count von Blümegen on the Reform of Higher Education in the Austrian Empire (November 29, 1781)