Display: 1-17 of 17 Results

Report by the Office of the Presidium of the GDR Government on University and College Admissions for the 1957/58 Academic Year (December 21, 1957)

The Allied Governments on the Zones of Occupation and the Administration of “Greater Berlin” (July 26, 1945)

Excerpts from the Report on the Potsdam Conference (Potsdam Agreement) (August 2, 1945)

Annual Report of the Work of the Office for Resettlers within the Provincial Administration of Brandenburg (End of 1946)

Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff, Excerpts from Teutscher Fürsten-Staat (1656)

Maximilian von Montgelas, “Ansbach Memorandum.” Proposal for a Program of State Reforms (September 30, 1796)

Electoral Saxony: Report of the Official Thomas Freiherr von Fritsch to Saxon Prime Minister Heinrich Graf Brühl on Administrative Reforms and Appointments (April 4, 1762)

Elector Max IV Joseph of Bavaria and the Palatinate, Directive on Reforming the Training of State Officials (June 25, 1799)

Frederick William I (“the Soldier King”) Demands Unvarnished Information from the Pomeranian Commissariat (July 20, 1722)

King Frederick William I’s Handwritten Instructions to the East Prussian Land-Tax Commission [Generalhufenschoß-Kommission] (April 23, 1716)

The Reestablishment of the Länder (April 19, 1990)

Suggestions for Curbing the Abuse of the Asylum Law (April 10, 1989)

Administrative Assistance (June 17, 1994)

Frederick William I (“the Soldier King”), Instructions on the Formation and Functioning of the General Directory (December 20, 1722)

Karl August Baron von Hardenberg, “On the Reorganization of the Prussian State” (September 12, 1807)

Karl Baron vom und zum Stein, Nassau Memorandum on Administrative Reform in Prussia (June 1807)

Frederick II (“the Great”), Memorandum to the Administration of Electoral Brandenburg on the Landlord-Peasant Relationship (1755)