Display: 1-25 of 43 Results

Official Peace Policy of the GDR (June 28, 1965)

Erich Honecker Reviews His Successes (April 17–21, 1986)

Statistics on East German Resettlers, Refugees, and Escapees (1961–1990)

Stalin’s Message of Peace (February 18, 1951)

“Why Is There No Opposition in the GDR?” (May 17, 1957)

Directive on Republikflucht (March 18, 1953)

“Ten Years of Social Policy in the Two German States”: Article by the Former Director of Social Security of the GDR, Paul Peschke (October 1959)

"The Cultural League at Ten" – Lead Article in Neues Deutschland (July 2, 1955)

The Controversy about Alain Resnais’ Documentary Night and Fog (1956)

The Character of Leisure Time in Capitalism and Socialism (1961)

“American Cultural Barbarism Threatens our Youth” (1950)

“Nihilism and Boogie Woogie at the ‘Badewanne’” (September 7, 1949)

“This is the Face of the Fascist Spawn of Adenauer, Ollenhauer, Kaiser, and Reuter!” (June 21, 1953)

Erich Honecker Defends the Achievements of Socialism on the 40th Anniversary of the GDR (October 6, 1989)

From a Tribüne Article on Work Quota Increases (June 16, 1953)

“The Failed Adventures of Foreign Agents in Berlin” (June 18, 1953)

“The Crimes of West Berlin Provocateurs” (June 18, 1953)

Statement by the Government of the GDR (June 17, 1953)

The Politburo of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany: Further Measures in the Fight against Republikflucht (December 15, 1953)

“Bill Haley and NATO” (October 31, 1958)

Decree on “Extraordinary Radio Measures” (September 1939)

Walter Gross’s Radio Speech on Race to German Youth (October 10, 1934)

Jews as Sexual Predators (1935)

Flyer with Rules for Protecting the Purity of the Race (c. 1935)

Questionnaire on Tobacco Abuse and Lung Cancer (1939) and Himmler’s Declaration against Alcohol Abuse (December 1937)