Display: 1-19 of 19 Results

“A Power Politician without Ifs or Buts”: Obituary for Helmut Kohl (June 26, 2017)

The Kohl System (September 28, 1998)

Harmed the Party (December 22, 1999)

Angela Merkel and Helmut Kohl – An Ambivalent Relationship (July 1, 2017)

The Agenda of the Grand Coalition (November 2005)

A New Style of Governing (November 22, 2006)

Why the Grand Coalition Worked (December 28, 2009)

The CDU/CSU-FDP Coalition: The First 100 Days (February 4, 2010)

An Assessment of the CDU/CSU-FDP Coalition (September 13, 2013)

Wolfgang Schäuble’s Long Career (October 25, 2017)

The Third Grand Coalition under Merkel’s Leadership (March 12, 2018)

CDU Election Promises (January 22, 1990)

Lothar de Maizière’s Government Program (April 19, 1990)

Norbert Blüm and Wolfgang Schäuble Debate the Location of the Capital (June 20, 1991)

The Government Offers an Explanation for Xenophobia (March 2, 1994)

The First All-German Elections (November 30, 1990)

CDU Politician Roland Koch against Dual Citizenship (January 15, 1999)

The CDU Adopts a Neoliberal Party Program (February 23, 1994)

The Agony of Choice (October 14, 1994)