Display: 1-25 of 36 Results

“A Power Politician without Ifs or Buts”: Obituary for Helmut Kohl (June 26, 2017)

Helmut Kohl’s Ten-Point Plan for German Unity (November 28, 1989)

Mikhail Gorbachev’s Concerns about Reunification (December 5, 1989)

U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush’s Conditions for Unification (December 4, 1989)

Willy Brandt on the International Implications of Unification (February 5, 1990)

The State Treaty between the FRG and the GDR on the Creation of a Monetary, Economic, and Social Union (May 18, 1990)

Charles Krauthammer on International Fears of Unification (March 26, 1990)

Lothar de Maizière’s Government Program (April 19, 1990)

Richard von Weizsäcker on the Meaning of Unification (October 3, 1990)

Two-Plus-Four Treaty on Germany (September 12, 1990)

Party Mergers (July 6, 1990)

The Reestablishment of the Länder (April 19, 1990)

Unification and Property Issues (June 15, 1990)

The Replacement of the Elites (2001)

Rainer Zitelmann: Reunification and German Self-Hatred (1992)

Norbert Blüm and Wolfgang Schäuble Debate the Location of the Capital (June 20, 1991)

An East German Writer Deplores GDR Nostalgia (2003)

Economic Collapse and a New Beginning after 1990 (2020)

Focus on German Unification (January 30, 1991)

The First All-German Elections (November 30, 1990)

European and German Unification – A Package Deal (1990)

“Blooming Landscapes” (July 1, 1990)

Helmut Kohl’s Welcome in Dresden (Retrospective account, 2005)

Charles Powell on the Chequers Meeting (March 24, 1990)

Results of the Volkskammer Election (March 18, 1990)