Display: 1-25 of 35 Results

Joseph Görres on the Dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire (c. 1806)

Christian Daniel Friedrich Schubart, Article from Deutsche Chronik (May 20, 1776)

Joachim Heinrich Campe, “Letters from Paris, 1789” (1790)

Adolph Freiherr von Knigge, “The New State” (1792)

Friedrich Schlegel, Essay on the Concept of Republicanism Occasioned by the Kantian Tract ‘Perpetual Peace’ (1796)

Friedrich Cotta, “On the State Constitution in France” (c. 1793)

Joseph von Görres, “Something to Sell” (1798)

Johann Gottfried Seume, “In Hessian Lands” (1813)

Johanna Schopenhauer, the Daughter of a Danzig Merchant, Reflects on Her Childhood and Youth in the 1770s (published posthumously, 1839)

A Boy’s Childhood in Cologne, c. 1810 (1862)

Friedrich Schiller, Excerpts from On the Aesthetic Education of Man (1795)

Ernst Moritz Arndt, Excerpts from Germania and Europe (1803)

Christiana Mariana von Ziegler, Das männliche Geschlechte, im Namen einiger Frauenzimmer besungen (1739)

Friedrich Schiller, Die Räuber (1781)

Friedrich Schlegel, Athenaeum Fragments (1798)

Novalis, “Christendom or Europe” (1799)

Karoline von Günderrode, Der Dom zu Cölln (c. 1802, first published 1899)

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust (1772-1775)

Heinrich von Kleist, Anekdote aus dem letzten preußischen Kriege (1810)

Germaine de Stäel (1813)

Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart (1789)

Joachim Heinrich Campe (1779)

Adolph Freiherr von Knigge (c. 1796)

Joseph Görres (1838)

Johann Gottfried Seume (c. 1800)