Display: 1-25 of 30 Results

The Imperial War Constitution [Reichskriegsverfassung] (1681-82)

Introduction of the Brandenburg-Prussian Canton System of Military Recruitment [Kantonreglement], issued by Frederick William I (“the Soldier King”), as an Order to General Field Marshal Albrecht Konrad Finck von Finckenstein (May 1, 1733)

Law on the Introduction of Universal Military Service in Prussia (September 3, 1814)

Excerpt from the Penal Code of the Electorate of Bavaria (1751)

Edict Protecting the Brandenburg Woolens Industry (March 30, 1687)

Imperial Trade Ordinance [Reichshandwerksordnung] (August 16, 1731)

Margrave Karl Friedrich von Baden, Proclamation of the Abolition of Serfdom in Baden (July 23, 1783)

Emperor Joseph II’s “Buying-In” Patent (November 1, 1781)

The Prussian Regulation Edict of 1811 (September 14, 1811)

The Legal Status of Subject Villagers in Prussia, as reflected in the General Law Code for the Prussian States (1794)

The Prussian “October Edict” of 1807 (October 9, 1807)

Emperor Joseph II’s Taxation and Urbarial Patent (1789)

Jérôme [Hieronymus] Napoleon, King of Westphalia, Decree on the Abolition of Personal Serfdom in the French Satellite Kingdom of Westphalia (January 23, 1808)

Decree on the Abolition of Personal Serfdom in Schleswig-Holstein (December 19, 1804)

The Prussian Declaration of 1816, modifying the Regulation Edict of 1811 (May 29, 1816)

General Law Code for the Prussian States, Part II.2: “Of the Mutual Rights and Obligations of Parents and Children” (1794)

Law Governing Divorce in the Grand Duchy of Baden (1809)

Joseph II’s Edict of Toleration for the Jews of Lower Austria (January 2, 1782)

Emperor Joseph II’s Toleration Patent for the Lands of the Austrian Empire (1781)

Edict on Religion by Johann Christoph von Wöllner, Prussian Minister of Justice and Head of Religious Affairs (July 9, 1788)

Frederick William III, King of Prussia, Edict Concerning the Civil Status of the Jews in the Prussian State (March 11, 1812)

Grand Duke Karl Friedrich of Baden, “Legal Provisions Concerning the Jews of the Sixth Constitutional Edict” (June 4, 1808)

Jérôme [Hieronymus] Napoleon, King of Westphalia, “Decree Abolishing Fees Imposed on the Jews” (January 27, 1808)

High Princely Church Order for Württemberg (1743)

Frederick the Great, Compulsory Education Decree (1763)