Display: 1-15 of 15 Results

The Storming of the Stasi Headquarters (January 16, 1990)

Oskar Lafontaine and Wolf Biermann outside the former Stasi Headquarters (September 1990)

The Beginnings of Parliamentary Work (January 17/24, 1997)

Author Christa Wolf Reflects on the Debate about East German Literature (September 27, 1993)

Rainer Eppelmann talks about the Enquete Commission on the SED Dictatorship (May 3, 1992)

Enquete Commission for the Reappraisal of the History and Consequences of the SED Dictatorship (April 11, 1994)

Author Christa Wolf (1992)

Publicist Karl Wilhelm Fricke on the Commission of Inquiry on the SED Dictatorship in Germany (Retrospective Account, 2017)

An Oscar for The Lives of Others (2006)

The Headquarters of the Office for National Security (formerly of the Ministry for State Security) in the East Berlin Neighborhood of Lichtenberg (December 15, 1989)

Storming of the Stasi Headquarters (January 15, 1990)

View of the Stormed Headquarters of the Office for National Security (formerly of the Ministry for State Security) in the East Berlin Neighborhood of Lichtenberg (January 15, 1990)

Shredded Stasi Files at Stasi Headquarters in Berlin-Lichtenberg (1990s)

Individual Odor Samples Preserved by the Stasi (1990s)

Draft Law on the Stasi Files (May 26, 1991)