Display: 1-25 of 672 Results

“A Power Politician without Ifs or Buts”: Obituary for Helmut Kohl (June 26, 2017)

The Kohl System (September 28, 1998)

The End of the Kohl Era (September 28, 1998)

Harmed the Party (December 22, 1999)

Former Chancellor Helmut Kohl before the Investigatory Committee on the CDU Donations Scandal (June 29, 2000)

Wolfgang Schäuble during the Bundestag Debate on the CDU Donations Scandal (January 20, 2000)

CSU Bundestag Election Poster (1998)

“World Class for Germany”: CDU Campaign Poster (1998)

Helmut Kohl on the Campaign Trail (July 29, 1998)

Helmut Kohl’s Legacy (2017)

Not Different, but Better (November 10, 1998)

Environmental Minister Jürgen Trittin Supports Ecological Modernization (October 21, 1999)

Angela Merkel and Helmut Kohl – An Ambivalent Relationship (July 1, 2017)

Bill Clinton’s Eulogy for Helmut Kohl (July 1, 2017)

Campaign Posters for Alliance 90/The Greens and the PDS (August 10, 1998)

Oskar Lafontaine (January 24, 1997)

Chancellor Gerhard Schröder Visits KFOR troops in Kosovo (July 23, 1999)

Election Winner Gerhard Schröder (September 27, 1998)

Red-Green Initiatives

Chancellor Democracy under Gerhard Schröder (July 26, 2002)

The Red-Green Government Lowers Income Taxes (July 15, 2000)

‘68ers in Power: Otto Schily, Joschka Fischer, Gerhard Schröder (November 11, 1999)

Guido Westerwelle and Cornelia Pieper on the Campaign Trail (July 30, 2002)

Truck Blockade in Schwerin (September 13, 2000)

Introduction of the “Riester Pension” (May 11, 2001)