Display: 1-25 of 455 Results

The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation

The Holy Roman Empire (1648-1815)

Samuel Pufendorf, The Constitution of the German Empire (1667)

The “Youngest Recess” [jüngster Reichsabschied] of the Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire in 1654 (May 17, 1654)

Electoral Agreement of King and Emperor Leopold I (July 18, 1658)

Portrait of Emperor Francis I by Anton von Maron (1745)

Emperor Joseph II on the Structure and Political Condition of the Austrian Monarchy and the Holy Roman Empire (1767/68)

Count Johann Anton Pergen’s Memorandum to Austrian Co-Regent Joseph II “On the Value of the Imperial Crown” (1766)

Joseph Görres on the Dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire (c. 1806)

Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff, Excerpts from Teutscher Fürsten-Staat (1656)

Political Testament of Landgrave Georg II of Hesse-Darmstadt (June 4, 1660)

Declaration of His Majesty the Emperor Francis II, whereby he abdicates the German imperial throne and the imperial government.

Funeral Procession for Ernst I, Duke of Saxe-Gotha (c. 1675)

The German Territorial States (apart from Austria and Prussia)

Maximilian von Montgelas, “Ansbach Memorandum.” Proposal for a Program of State Reforms (September 30, 1796)

Electoral Saxony: Report of the Official Thomas Freiherr von Fritsch to Saxon Prime Minister Heinrich Graf Brühl on Administrative Reforms and Appointments (April 4, 1762)

Bavarian Elector Max IV Joseph, Ordinance on “the Circumstances of State Servants, especially regarding their Status and Salary,” cosigned by Montgelas (January 1, 1805)

“Constitution of the Kingdom of Westphalia,” proclaimed by Napoleon Bonaparte in Fontainebleau (November 15, 1807)

Elector Max IV Joseph of Bavaria and the Palatinate, Directive on Reforming the Training of State Officials (June 25, 1799)

Grand Duke Ludwig I of Hesse-Darmstadt, Edict on the “Abolition of the Previous Estates-System” (October 1, 1806)

Maria Theresa’s Political Testament (1749-50)

Bavarian Edict on the Establishment of a Gendarmerie (October 11, 1812)

"Constitution of the Kingdom of Bavaria," issued by King Maximilian I, cosigned by Ministers Montgelas, Hompesch, and Morawitzky (May 25, 1808)

"Edict on Communal Affairs," issued by King Maximilian I, cosigned by Ministers Montgelas, Hompesch, and Morawitzky (September 24, 1808)

The Austrian Habsburg Empire