Display: 526-550 of 588 Results

Karl Biedermann to Eduard Lasker, Agonizing over Liberalism’s Stance on Exceptional Laws (June 12, 1872)

School Inspection Law (March 11, 1872)

Poster Advertising a Völkerschau Featuring “Australian Cannibals” (1885)

Anti-Jesuit Law (July 4, 1872)

“A Cannibal Dance at the Leipzig Zoological Garden” (1885)

“Pulpit Law” (December 10, 1871)

Ludwig von Windthorst, Leader of the German Center Party (c. 1870)

Politics II: Parties and Political Mobilization

The Social Democratic Movement: Its Electoral Rise and Legal Repression (1871–1890)

Reactions to the Second Attempt on Kaiser Wilhelm’s Life (Retrospective Account, 1910)

Social Democracy and the German Reichstag (1892)

Reactions to the First Attempt on the Life of Kaiser Wilhelm I (Retrospective Account, 1910)

Ludwig Knaus, The Malcontent (1877)

Postcard Commemorating the Social Democratic Gotha Party Congress (1875)

First Assassination Attempt on Kaiser Wilhelm I (May 11, 1878)

Social Democratic Workers’ Party Congress in Dresden (August 12–15, 1871)

Social Democratic Leader Wilhelm Liebknecht (c. 1895)

Anti-Socialist Law (October 21, 1878)

General Overview of the Situation of the Social Democratic and Revolutionary Movements by the Berlin Political Police (January 12, 1882)

“We Don’t Give a Hoot about the Law!” A Social Democratic Pipe (1878)

The Anti-Socialist Law (October 21, 1878)

August Bebel and Friedrich Wilhelm Fritzsche during the Socialist Debates (September 16 and 17, 1878)

Berlin Police President Guido von Madai and the Social Democratic Movement (1870s and 1880s)

“The Socialist Jack-in-the-Box” (September 28, 1878)

Social Democratic Leader August Bebel (1882)