Display: 76-100 of 681 Results

The Berlin Ultimatum (November 27, 1958)

U.S. State Department Memorandum (December 20, 1958)

A Continent on the Move (January 7, 1960)

Cuba’s Land Reforms Move Forward (April 1st, 1960)

Why Should Fidel Castro Concern Us? (June 9, 1960)

John Foster Dulles on the Possibility of Negotiations with the GDR (November 26, 1958)

“Cuba’s Revolution Will Remain Victorious”: Interview with Blas Roca (April 14, 1960)

Fidel Castro Harms the Cause of Developing Countries (July 7, 1960)

The Casablanca Conference (January 14-26, 1943)

Occupation and the Emergence of Two States (1945-1961)

Allied Policies, 1944-1955

The London Four-Power Agreement (August 8, 1945)

The Population of Burgsteinfurt is Escorted to a Film about the Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald Concentration Camps (May 30, 1945)

Denazification and War Crimes Trials under the Allies

“A Border-free Open Road for the Marshall Plan” (c. 1948)

Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (1949/ Amendments 1956)

Decisions of the Conference of the Foreign Ministers of the Three Western Powers in Washington, DC (April 8, 1949)

Letter from the Military Governors to Dr. Konrad Adenauer, President of the Parliamentary Council, approving the Basic Law (May 12, 1949)

Statement by Konrad Adenauer at the Meeting of Military Governors, Representatives of the Parliamentary Council, and Minister Presidents (May 12, 1949)

Signing of the Basic Law [Grundgesetz] in the Pedagogical Academy in Bonn (May 23, 1949)

Rally in Halle/Saale during the Elections to the Third German People’s Congress (May 15-16, 1949)

Autobahn Exit at Bonn with Directions to the Parliamentary Council (1948)

Propaganda for the German People’s Council at the Neue Wache in Berlin (1949)

Inauguration of Konrad Adenauer as the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (September 15, 1949)

Appeal to the German People by the Christian Democratic Union (June 26, 1945)