
In September 1945, the British military government built a camp in Friedland, south of Göttingen, near the American (Hesse) and Soviet occupation (Thuringia) zones. The camp was designed as an initial way station for refugees, evacuees, and returning soldiers. Starting in 1947, the camp was administered by the federal state of Lower Saxony. During the period of mass expulsions from 1944 to 1945, the camp offered services to large waves of refugees. Thereafter, it functioned primarily as a way station for German (or ethnic German) resettlers [Aussiedler] from East Bloc countries, especially from Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union. Between 1950 and 1987, approximately 1.4 million people of German extraction came to the Federal Republic from the East; more than 60% of these emigrants came from Poland. Photos by Ulrich Wienke.

Friedland Border Transit Camp (March 16, 1976)


Source: Polish ethnic German resettlers [Aussiedler] arriving at the Friedland train station (Image 1) and then entering the dining area at the Friedland camp. A government-run center in the federal state of Lower Saxony, the Frieland camp was the first point of contact in the Federal Republic for ethnic German resettlers from Eastern European. There they received housing and meals. Date: March 16, 1976. Photos: Ulrich Wienke. Signatures: B 145 Bild-00079620, B 145 Bild-00079619. Bundesbildstelle.

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