
The highpoint of the attempt to forge a global alliance against imperialism was the Berlin Vietnam Congress of February 17–18, 1968, which called for the opening of “a second revolutionary front” in the Western European metropoles against American intervention in Southeast Asia.

Final Resolution of the International Vietnam Congress in West Berlin (February 18, 1968)


While the Vietnamese people are waging the war for independence and a socialist democracy against barbaric U.S. imperialism, while in West Berlin, the Senate, as the accomplice of U.S. imperialism, seeks to criminally prosecute any solidarity with the liberation struggle of the Vietnamese people, representatives of the socialist youth of Western Europe, representatives of the American resistance movement, and representatives of the revolutionary youth of these three continents have gathered in West Berlin to affirm their solidarity with the liberation struggle of the Vietnamese people, and to deliberate on joint measures in the struggle against U.S. imperialism.

In a large-scale offensive, the National Liberation Front (NFL) of South Vietnam has raised the revolutionary popular war to a new level. Its military successes are based on the intensified struggle of the entire Vietnamese people. These successes prove the ability of revolutionary liberation movements to repel the counterrevolutionary aggression that is being waged with the enormous extermination machinery of an industrial superpower. To a global public and the U.S. population, they unmask as lies all reports and projections of success by the counterrevolutionary leadership. With the successful offensive of the revolutionary liberation forces comes the growing danger of a further geographic and military escalation of American aggression. There is reason to fear that U.S. imperialism put on the defensive will seek a way out through recourse to nuclear weapons.

In this situation, the opposition movements in capitalist countries must elevate their struggle to a new level, expand, intensify, and concretize their actions. The opposition movements are faced with the transition from protest to political resistance.

Today, U.S. imperialism is trying, via NATO, to incorporate Western European metropoles into its policy of colonial counterrevolution. But the liberation struggle of Third World peoples is aggravating the conflicts and differences between and within the imperialist metropoles. What matters is to analyze and exploit these conflicts. The military cooperation between the head of the colonial counterrevolution, the U.S.A., and the countries of Western Europe must be broken; its agent, NATO, must be dismantled. The struggle against U.S. aggression in Vietnam must, at the same time, be a struggle against the imperialist policy of the capitalist countries of Western Europe. A second revolutionary front against imperialism in their metropoles can be built up only if the anti-imperialist opposition movement learns to politically actualize the late-capitalist conflicts and to take up the struggle for revolutionary solutions in companies, offices, universities, and schools.

The representatives of the socialist youth of Western Europe, of the American resistance movement, and of the revolutionary youth of the three continents assembled in West Berlin agree to concretize their joint anti-imperialist struggle through the following actions and to expand it into active resistance:

1. The campaign of material support for the armed liberation struggle of the NFL of South Vietnam will be continued and strengthened in all Western European countries.

2. In Western European countries with American military bases and in the U.S.A. itself, educational campaigns will be carried out among GIs with the goal of subverting the military strength of the U.S. Army and persuading the soldiers of the need for resistance, sabotage, and desertion.

3. Through actions and demonstrations, a campaign “Smash NATO” will be carried out against NATO bases in Western European countries. In all countries, the demand will be raised to leave NATO when the NATO treaty expires in 1969.

4. In those Western European countries from whose ports armaments are shipped in support of U.S. aggression in Vietnam, efforts will be made to organize strikes among dock workers.

5. In West Berlin, a documentation center will be established against the abuse of science for the purposes of waging imperialist war. The anti-imperialist resistance movement is called upon to support and utilize this center.

6. In all West European countries, an educational campaign will be launched to inform the population about companies that profit from the dirty war as production facilities for weapons of destruction. This campaign will be joined by demonstrations and blockades (for example, against the napalm producer Dow Chemical).

Further, we call upon the anti-imperialist resistance movement to continuously work toward joint mass demonstrations against U.S. imperialism and all its support centers in Western Europe. In the course of this common struggle, political and organizational cooperation between revolutionary liberation movements in the Third World and resistance movements in the U.S.A. and the countries of Western European must be intensified and expanded into a common front.

Victory to the Vietnamese revolution!
Victory to the socialist world revolution!

Source: Der Kampf des vietnamesischen Volkes und die Globalstrategie des Imperialismus – Internationaler Vietnam-Kongreß-Westberlin, published by the SDS West Berlin und Internationales Nachrichten- und Forschungs-Institut (INFI); editor: Sybille Plogstedt. West Berlin, 1968.

Translation: Thomas Dunlap