
This painting is by Emil Schwabe (1856–1904), who studied art at the Düsseldorf Academy of Art but made his career mainly in Berlin. The figure in the center of this canvas is likely a liberal journalist or lawyer, perhaps Jewish. He appears to take issue with the arrogant views and dismissive postures of his two interlocutors: on the left, a figure who might be a National Liberal or Conservative landowner; on the right, a priest, professor, or member of the Catholic Center Party. Bismarck looms over all three figures. As to which “questions” were “unresolved,” the painting’s date–1887–suggests that the men may have been debating Bismarck’s social insurance legislation. But the possibilities, like the answers, are virtually endless.

Emil Schwabe, Unresolved Questions (1887)

  • EmilSchwabe


Source: Emil Schwabe, Ungelöste Fragen [Unresolved Questions]. Oil painting (1887). Original: Düsseldorf, Museum Kunst / Palast mit Sammlung Kunstakademie und Glasmuseum. Available online at: http://www.duesseldorf.de/dkult/DE-MUS-038015/141754
bpk-Bildagentur, image number 20027891. For rights inquiries, please contact Art Resource at requests@artres.com (North America) or bpk-Bildagentur at kontakt@bpk-bildagentur.de (for all other countries).

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