
This painting by Ernst Henseler (b. 1852) shows parliamentarians enjoying a morning pint in the Reich Chancellery. Festive get-togethers of this sort gave Bismarck an opportunity to convince parliamentary friends and foes that his policies deserved support. Sometimes consensus-building flowed in the opposite direction, however. 

Ernst Henseler, Parliamentary Morning Pint (1894)

  • Ernst Henseler


Source: Ernst Henseler, Parlamentarischer Frühschoppen bei Bismarck [Parliamentary Morning Pint at Bismarck’s]. Painting (1896). Original: Park Charlottenburg, Schloss Charlottenburg, Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten.
bpk-Bildagentur, image number 70143267. For rights inquiries, please contact Art Resource at requests@artres.com (North America) or bpk-Bildagentur at kontakt@bpk-bildagentur.de (for all other countries).

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