Concentration camp
I, the
hereby make the following declaration:
1. I have recognized that the International Bible Student Association is spreading false doctrine and is merely pursuing goals hostile to the state under the guise of religious activity.
2. I have therefore completely renounced this organization and have also freed myself, internally, from the teachings of this sect.
3. I hereby confirm that I will never again work for the International Bible Student Association. I will immediately report to the police any person who approaches me to promote the false doctrine of the Bible Students or who in any other way expresses his conviction as a Bible Student. If Bible Student pamphlets are sent to me, I will immediately hand them over at the nearest police station.
4. In the future I will respect the laws of the state, and in particular, in the event of war, I will defend my fatherland with arms in hand and fully integrate myself into the national community [Volksgemeinschaft].
I have been informed that I will once again be taken into custody again if I fail to comply with the declaration I have made today.
Source: Declaration by which Jehovah’s Witnesses were to renounce their faith, c. 1938 [Erklärung, mit der Zeugen Jehovas ihrem Glauben abschwören sollten], reprinted in Gerti Malle, „Für alles bin ich stark durch den, der mir Kraft verleiht:“ Widerstand und Verfolgung der Zeugen Jehovas in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus in Kärnten. Kitab-Verlag Klagenfurt-Wien, 2011, p. 176. Available online at: