Display: 1-25 of 26 Results

Housework with Husband and Children (1955)

Letters to the Editor of the Magazine Die Frau von heute: “Is the Working Woman a Bad Mother?” (1950)

Letter from Karl Lewke to the Central Committee of the SED (December 2, 1945)

Press Review: “Where to Put the Baby?” Critical Voices on the Subject of Daycare Centers (1953)

“The Strict Husband”: Letters from Readers of Neues Deutschland (November 14, 1959)

Hermann Hesse, Letter to a Young German (1946)

Luise Rinser: Response to Hermann Hesse (1946)

Empress Maria Theresa Appraises the Character of Joseph II, her Son and Co-Regent (September 14, 1776)

Moses Mendelssohn, Reply to Johann Caspar Lavater (1769)

Exchange of Letters between Empress Maria Theresa and her Son, Joseph II, on the Subject of Religious Toleration (1777)

Joseph II, Letter to Austrian Chancellor and Bohemian Governor Heinrich Cajetan Count von Blümegen on the Reform of Higher Education in the Austrian Empire (November 29, 1781)

Frederick William von Steuben, Letter from New Windsor (July 4, 1779)

Caroline Böhmer, Letter to Louise and Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter (April 19, 1793)

Prussian King Frederick II (“the Great”), Correspondence Preceding the First Partition of Poland (1770-71)

Dorothea Schlegel, Letter to Friedrich Schlegel (August 21, 1808)

The Reformer as Son—Luther and his Mother (May 20, 1531)

The Reformer as Husband—Luther and his Wife (1529, 1534, and 1546)

The Reformer as Father—Luther and his Son (1530 and 1537 [?])

The Reformer Remembers—Luther and his Father (June 5, 1530)

Marriage as Partnership—Magdalena and Balthasar Paumgartner of Nuremberg (Correspondence, 1582, 1591, and 1592)

Lovers in a Time of War (July 1625)

A Nobleman Transformed by Education and Travel—Ulrich von Hutten (1518)

Definition and Demarcation—Conrad Grebel and Others to Thomas Müntzer (September 5, 1524)

Practical Reformation—Pastor Matthias Bengel to the Governor at Kassel (December 24, 1531)

Letter by Anna Scharnschlager to Her Brother in Tyrol (c. 1535)