Display: 1-25 of 57 Results

Constitution of the German Democratic Republic (October 7, 1949)

Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (1949/ Amendments 1956)

Decree on the Creation of a New Ordinance to Secure the Rights of Recognized Victims of Nazi Persecution (1953)

Control Council Law No. 32 on the Employment of Women in Building and Reconstruction Work (July 10, 1946)

Speech by GDR Minister President Otto Grotewohl: “For the Happiness of Our Mothers and Children” (September 27, 1950)

The Position of the Marriage Law Commission of the Protestant Church in Germany on the Draft Version of a Family Law (December 1952)

The Federal Executive Board of the Democratic Women’s League of Germany: Working Directive on the Law for the Protection of Mothers and the Rights of Women (November 6, 1950)

The Position of the German Association of Women Academics on a Draft Version of the Equal Rights Law (August 1952)

Elisabeth Meyer-Spreckels, “Marriage and Family in the Constitution: Report to the Bavarian Constitutional Assembly” (August 14, 1946)

The Chairman of the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Fulda, Cardinal Joseph Frings, on the Reorganization of the Marriage and Family Law (January 30, 1953)

Law on the Equality of Men and Women in the Area of Civil Law (June 18, 1957)

Marie-Elisabeth Lüders (FDP) on the Petition by the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Fulda (February 1953)

East German Minister of Justice Hilde Benjamin: “Who Has the Say in the Family?” (February 1, 1958)

The Bishop of the Protestant Church in Thuringia, Moritz Mitzenheim, on the Draft Bill about the Termination of Pregnancy (November 24, 1947)

Circular from the Ministry for Labor and Health Care on the Termination of Pregnancy (October 2, 1950)

Debate of the Bill by Deputy August Schwingenstein (CSU) and Others in the Bavarian Landtag [State Parliament] Concerning the Protection of Youth against Immoral Influences (1948)

Law on the Socialist Development of the School System in the German Democratic Republic (December 2, 1959)

Extracts from the British Military Government Law No. 61: First Law for Monetary Reform [Currency Law] (June 20, 1948)

Excerpt from the Constitution of the State of Baden (May 18, 1947)

The Constitution of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (October 21, 1947)

Works Constitution Act (October 11, 1952)

Co-Determination Law [Mitbestimmungsgesetz] (May 21, 1951)

The Privatization of the GDR Economy (June 17, 1990)

Measures to Reduce the Influx of Ethnic German Remigrants (March 29, 1990)

Legislative Restrictions on the Right to Asylum (July 1, 1993)