Display: 1-25 of 108 Results

Democracy in Jeopardy? (October 29, 1962)

A New Chapter in Economic Policy (March 21, 1962)

The End of Postwar History? (October 18, 1963)

Farewell to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (October 15, 1963)

The Birth of the Grand Coalition (December 13, 1966)

A Tribute to Ludwig Erhard (December 1, 1966)

The FDP is Courted and Weighs its Options (September 30, 1969)

In Support of the Emergency Laws (May 15–16, 1968)

Protest against the State of Emergency Constitution (May 28, 1968)

Marion Gräfin Dönhoff on the Grand Coalition (1981)

Speech by Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic, at a Reception Given by the Allied High Commissioners (September 21, 1949)

Article on the Debate over German Rearmament (September 14, 1950)

Article by a Student on German Rearmament (November 16, 1950)

Western Declaration on Germany, the European Defense Community, and Berlin (May 27, 1952)

The Suez Crisis: “The Advance on Sinai” (October 31st, 1956)

The Hallstein Doctrine (June 28, 1956)

Correspondence between Nikolai Bulganin and Konrad Adenauer on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the USSR and the Federal Republic of Germany (September 13-14, 1955)

Adenauer’s State Visit to Moscow (September 9-13, 1955)

“Signals of a Revolt” (December 5, 1956)

Berlin Declaration by the Three Western Powers and the German Federal Republic on Reunification (July 29, 1957)

Why Should Fidel Castro Concern Us? (June 9, 1960)

Fidel Castro Harms the Cause of Developing Countries (July 7, 1960)

Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (1949/ Amendments 1956)

Letter from the Military Governors to Dr. Konrad Adenauer, President of the Parliamentary Council, approving the Basic Law (May 12, 1949)

Discussion between German Chancellor Adenauer and American High Commissioner McCloy (July 12, 1950)