Display: 1-16 of 16 Results

Mechanical Reaper (c. 1840)

Steam Plow from 1858 (c. 1860)

Justus von Liebig in His Laboratory at the Chemical Institute of the University of Giessen (c. 1840)

Introduction of Mechanized Threshing in the Countryside (1882)

Model of a Late Nineteenth-Century Threshing Machine and Locomotive (1962–63)

Members of the Worin Agricultural Cooperative in Oderbruch Discuss their Work (1955)

Searching for Potato Beetles (July 1950)

Land Reclamation: Members of the Reich Labor Service Construct Drainage Channels (1936)

Richard Walther Darré, Reich Farm Leader and Reich Minister of Food and Agriculture (1933/34)

Adopting Renewable Energy (2010)

Raising Calves at a Fomer Collectivized Farm (April 7, 1997)

Joseph II Plows a Field near Slavikovice on August 19, 1769 (Late 18th Century)

Avenue of Fruit Trees in the Pleasure Garden at Sanssouci (after 1745)

Reaping, Hauling, and Threshing Grain (c. 1740)

The Care and Storage of Agricultural Tools (1750)

Horse- and Ox-Drawn Plows (1750)