Display: 1-24 of 24 Results

Helmut Kohl Visits a German Military Base in Koblenz (November 29, 1982)

American Troops in Hutzdorf (1985)

Fritz von Uhde, Bavarian Drummers (1883)

Black-Market Activity in Berlin (1945)

Propaganda Photo: Land Reform in the Soviet Occupation Zone (September 1945)

German Women and American Soldiers on a Rollercoaster (1945)

A Prisoner of War Returns Home (1947)

Foster Parents with German-American Children (1949)

First German-American Wedding (1947)

Flirting at the Wannsee (1947)

Sweets from American Soldiers (1945)

Captured French-African Soldiers (1940)

German Soldier after the Capitulation in Stalingrad (January/February 1943)

First Women Enlisted in the Bundeswehr (January 3, 2001)

Bundeswehr in Afghanistan (2001-2021)

Hussars Force Monks from a Marienfelde Cloister to Drink to Frederick II (1758)

Eighteenth-Century Military Recruiting Strategy – A Little Pocket Change and a Strong Drink (1726)

The Guards Parade before Frederick II (1777)

First Military Punishment: How an Honorable Man Receives a Beating (1776)

Prussian Uniforms c. 1779: Hussars from Various Regiments

Second Military Punishment: How a Scoundrel Receives a Beating (1776)

The Final Moments of the Battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815 (19th century)

Deployment of the Prussian Landwehr in the Year 1813 (1860-61)

The Coffee “Sniffers,” c. 1780 (1892)