Display: 1-14 of 14 Results

On Child Rearing in the Villages of the Southern German Principality of Ansbach (1787)

General Law Code for the Prussian States, Part II.2: “Of the Mutual Rights and Obligations of Parents and Children” (1794)

The Early Life of a Nuremberg Tailor’s Son (1798)

A Noblewoman from Schleswig-Holstein Reflects on Her Idyllic Childhood in the Late Eighteenth Century (published posthumously, 1896)

Law Governing Divorce in the Grand Duchy of Baden (1809)

Itzig Behrend, Chronicle of a Jewish Family in Hesse-Kassel, c. 1800-1840 (published posthumously, 1893)

Westphalian Nobleman Christian Franz Dietrich von Fürstenberg Provides Instructions on the Education of his Daughters (1743)

Maria Theresa with her Husband Francis I and Crown Prince Joseph (Joseph II) (1747)

Maria Theresa and Her Family on the Terrace of Schönbrunn Palace (c. 1755)

A Soldier’s Wife Begging (1764)

Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki, Cabinet d'un Peintre [A Painter's Cabinet] (1771)

Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel, “On Marriage” (1792)

True Happiness (1784)

The Comforts of Home (1795)