Display: 1-14 of 14 Results

Erhard Schoen, Peasants’ Wedding (1526)

The Reformer as Husband—Luther and his Wife (1529, 1534, and 1546)

Martin Luther and his Wife (1529)

Felicitas von Freyberg (1553)

Leonhard von Eck (1553)

Marriage as Partnership—Magdalena and Balthasar Paumgartner of Nuremberg (Correspondence, 1582, 1591, and 1592)

Anna Wecker, “A Wedding Speech” (1586)

Beatings for Marital Bliss (2nd Half of the 17th Century)

The Wise Woman – The Gendered Ideal of Marital Virtue (c. 1525)

Johannes Schultz, Wedding Motet: Der ehlich Stand (1622)

Old Man with a Young Woman (1st Half of the 16th Century)

Old Woman with a Young Man (1st Half of the 16th Century)

The Grievances of Rural Subjects—Kempten (Upper Swabia) (1492)

Defending Clerical Marriage—Katharina Schütz Zell (1524)