Display: 1-21 of 21 Results

The Family in the Context of Women’s Equality (December 20, 1965)

Reforming the Marriage and Family Code (July 9, 1971)

Excerpts from the Staats-Lexikon: “Relations between the Sexes” (1845–48)

Commercial Marriage Brokerage and Bohemian Life in the Big City: Excerpts from Ernst Dronke, Berlin (1846)

Conservative Criticism of Women’s Activism (1852)

Speech by Louise Otto, Chairwoman of the General German Women’s Association, at its Third General Assembly (1869)

A Conservative Folklorist on Social Class and Gender Roles (1852)

The Position of the Marriage Law Commission of the Protestant Church in Germany on the Draft Version of a Family Law (December 1952)

The Position of the German Association of Women Academics on a Draft Version of the Equal Rights Law (August 1952)

Elisabeth Meyer-Spreckels, “Marriage and Family in the Constitution: Report to the Bavarian Constitutional Assembly” (August 14, 1946)

The Chairman of the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Fulda, Cardinal Joseph Frings, on the Reorganization of the Marriage and Family Law (January 30, 1953)

Law on the Equality of Men and Women in the Area of Civil Law (June 18, 1957)

Marie-Elisabeth Lüders (FDP) on the Petition by the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Fulda (February 1953)

Walther von Hollander on the Breakdown of Marriages, Separation, Divorce (1946)

First German-American Wedding (1947)

Wedding in the Heidenheim Camp (1946)

SS Marriage Order (December 31, 1931)

Church Wedding of an SS Member in Uniform (1934)

Same-Sex Couple Ties the Knot (August 1, 2001)

Equal Marriage Rights for Everyone (October 1, 2017)

Marriage for All (June 30, 2017)