Display: 1-19 of 19 Results

“The Education of the Countryman in Lippe” (1789)

The Son of a Non-Commissioned Prussian Officer Reflects on His Childhood and Youth in the Late Eighteenth Century (published posthumously, 1874)

The Childhood and Youth of a Prussian Nobleman in the Late Eighteenth Century. From the Memoirs of Friedrich August Ludwig von der Marwitz (published posthumously, 1908)

The Early Life of a Nuremberg Tailor’s Son (1798)

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Excerpts from The Education of the Human Race (1777)

Friedrich Schiller, Excerpts from On the Aesthetic Education of Man (1795)

High Princely Church Order for Württemberg (1743)

Frederick the Great, Compulsory Education Decree (1763)

Westphalian Nobleman Clemens August Droste zu Vischering Provides Instructions on the Duties of his Children’s Tutor (1776)

School Reform in Baden: Edict Issued by Margrave Karl Friedrich von Baden (May 13, 1803)

Edict Introducing the University-Entrance Examination [Abitur] in Prussia (October 12, 1812)

Educating Daughters (1750)

Educating Sons (1750)

The Lesson (c. 1770)

A Peasant Reading (1757)

Awarding Prizes to Industrious Pupils (18th Century)

The Industrious Student (c. 1740)

The Pugnacious Student (c. 1740)

Foundation of Universities in Central Europe