Display: 1-25 of 85 Results

Socialist Education (February 25, 1965)

The Third University Reform in the GDR (April 3, 1969)

The Work of Adult Education Centers, West Berlin (1977)

Vocational School in the Ruhr Valley (1979)

School Day in Production (1980)

Development of Higher Education in East and West Germany (1960–1990)

A Comparison of Educational Systems (1989–90)

Wilhelm von Humboldt in His Study at Tegel Castle (c. 1830)

The School (1823)

Alexander von Humboldt in his Library (1856)

Carl Conrad Julius Hertel, Young Germany at School (1874)

Fifth Grade Class in the Middle School in Wittenberge (1888)

The Drawing Lesson (1870)

German Bishops at Fulda – Pastoral Letter by the Conference of Catholic Bishops (August 23, 1945)

Debate of the Bill by Deputy August Schwingenstein (CSU) and Others in the Bavarian Landtag [State Parliament] Concerning the Protection of Youth against Immoral Influences (1948)

From a Lecture by Oberstudiendirektor Kurt Hahn at a Sex Education Workshop for Young People at Jugendburg Bilstein/Sauerland (September 14, 1950)

The Academic Success of Mixed-race Children. Study by the Institute for Anthropology in the Sciences and Humanities (1956)

Guidelines for School Policy for the German Democratic School (August 24, 1949)

Joint Appeal by the KPD and the SPD for Democratic School Reform (October 18, 1945)

The Immediate Tasks of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education: Resolution by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party (February 1951)

“New Teachers for the New Schools” (1945)

Law on the Socialist Development of the School System in the German Democratic Republic (December 2, 1959)

Russian Language Class (1958)

Statistical Report on the Development of the Standard of Living in the German Democratic Republic and in the Federal Republic of Germany (1956)

Rebuilding the German Education System (1946)