Display: 1-18 of 18 Results

Vienna City Map (1778)

Berlin City Map (1737)

Administrative Divisions of the Habsburg Empire (1780)

The Partitions of Poland, 1772-1795

Expansion of Prussia, 1807-1871

Growth of Brandenburg-Prussia, 1600-1795

Germany and Italy, 1803

Europe in 1648: The Peace of Westphalia

Brandenburg in the Seventeeth and Eighteenth Centuries

Habsburg Lands, c. 1700

The Growth of the Habsburg Empire 1282-1918

Layout of the Residence and Capital City of Würzburg in the Year 1723 (1723-24)

Perspectival View of Karlsruhe and the Residence (1739)

Commemorative Diagram of the Siege of Stralsund in the Year 1715 (1718)

The Battlefield at Hohenfriedberg/Silesia on June 4, 1745 (18th century)

East-Elbian Germany in the Eighteenth Century

Defortification of German Cities, 1689-1866

Foundation of Universities in Central Europe