Display: 1-25 of 110 Results

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Volume 1 (1925)

Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (April 7, 1933)

Reflections on Daily Life in a Police State (1939)

First Expression of Antisemitism: Hitler’s Letter to Adolf Gemlich (September 16, 1919)

Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases (July 14, 1933)

Himmler’s Commentary on Page 33 (Volume 2) of Mein Kampf: “The Possibility of De-miscegenation Exists” (1927)

Disbarment: A Jewish Lawyer is Removed from the List of Lawyers Licensed to Practice at the District Court of Tilsit in East Prussia (June 9, 1933)

“Jews Not Wanted in Behringersdorf” (1933)

Wilhelm Stuckart and Hans Globke, “Civil Rights and the Natural Inequality of Man” (1936)

Walter Gross’s Radio Speech on Race to German Youth (October 10, 1934)

The Eternal Jew (1940)

The Reich Citizenship Law (September 15, 1935) and the First Regulation to the Reich Citizenship Law (November 14, 1935)

Session of the Presidential Committee of the “Reich Deputation of Jews” in Berlin (1933)

“First a German, then a Civil Servant” (July 31, 1933)

“For Aryans Only”: Official Inscription on Park Benches (1935)

Shoemaker’s Apprenticeship Program for Members of the Jewish Community in Berlin (1935)

Jews as Sexual Predators (1935)

Flyer with Rules for Protecting the Purity of the Race (c. 1935)

Genealogical Table and Family Record Book (undated)

Antisemitic Door Knocker (1937)

Map of “Racial Threats” to Germany (1936)

Raymond Geist’s Report to George Messersmith on the Interministerial Meeting at the Reich Aviation Ministry and the Nazi Regime’s Future Plans for the Jews (April 4, 1939)

Justifying the Law on the Changing of Family Names and First Names (November 6, 1937)

Goebbels Announcing the Boycott of Jewish Retailers (April 1, 1933)

Joseph Goebbels Calls for a Boycott of Jewish Businesses (April 1, 1933)